Diego Rodriguez Speaking Banner


Keynote Krusher
Keynote Krusher is the ultimate training course for public speakers who want to learn how to maximize the use of Keynote and PowerPoint Presentations. $1,999
Power Hire
Power Hire is the renowned recruitment tool that has been successfully used for businesses to simplify the hiring process while simultaneously finding the best candidates. $299
Time Command
Time Command is Diego’s personal time management system. Time Command is for you when you are finally ready to get control of your time so you can get it all done and have real balance in life. $299
Video Persuasion
Video Persuasion is the complete training program that teaches you the same marketing principles that Diego teaches to his certified consultants to create marketing videos that sell. $499
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The Expert Foundry is a consulting program that is designed for true industry experts who want to monetize their expertise and need to build a professional brand for themselves as quickly as possible.

Clients who come through the Expert Foundry program work directly with Diego Rodriguez to create their entire Strategic Marketing development program, and then have their brand built out by the world's best marketing team at the Power Marketing Agency.

This includes the creation of a logo, website, marketing videos, professional photography and portraiture, marketing materials, online sales funnels, content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, branding, and advanced creative design.

With the Expert Foundry program, you can have decades worth of work accomplished in less than 90 days! There is no program like this on the planet!


We only take 4 Expert Foundry clients per year! And clients are accepted by application only—this program is only for those who can demonstrate existing expertise in their industry. Contact us to begin the application process.
1317 Edgewater Dr. Suite 5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(321) 977-1444